What is First Friday?
First Friday Vespers is a small, ecumenical, Zoom-based and in-person Christian fellowship whose members hail from all walks of life. While not specifically an LGBT fellowship group, it does have several LGBT members and supports the proposition that all are welcome who seek to know Jesus. It meets on the first Friday of each month. Pre-COVID-19, it was an exclusively in-person fellowship where members gathered to share a potluck meal before fellowship, and we look to return to a hybrid of that format post-COVID. The pandemic has allowed us to expand our ability to connect, and in addition to Philadelphia area members, we have had regular Zoom attendees from Charlotte, North Carolina; Boise, Idaho; Chicago, Illinois; New Deli City, India; Oakland, California; South Lancaster, Massachusetts, and various other locations in the USA, as well as new Delhi, India.
What do we do?
The group’s meetings are focused on a guest Christian who shares (rather than sermonizes) his or her personal walk with Jesus and those Scripture verses that inform or support that walk, sometimes on a particular scriptural subject.

What we believe
All individuals who are followers of Jesus, want to know more about Jesus, or are trying to reconnect with Jesus, and want to study Scripture and fellowship in a small group, are welcome at First Friday. No specific creed or set of Christian beliefs is required to participate, nor does the leadership of the group encourage membership in any particular Christian denomination.